Piedmont Plastics carries a variety of acrylic shapes, known as profiles, used in aquariums, exhibits, displays and more.

Acrylic Shapes
Versatile acrylic shapes: Cast or extruded rods, tubes, and profiles.
Fabrication Support
Cut-to-Size, Routing
Inventory Stocking
Inventory Access
Your Branch: Baltimore/Washington
Zip code: 21075 |
Literature and Data Sheets
Plaskolite Roll Stock Acrylic PlaskoliteView
Plastifab Tecacryl™ Acrylic Shapes PlastifabView
Spartech® Polycast™ Cast Acrylic Rods & Tubes SpartechView
Thermoplastic Processes Excelon Acrylic® Extruded Tubes, Rods and Profiles Thermoplastic ProcessesView
Showing 4 out of 4 items
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Zip code: 21075 |
7045 Troy Hill Drive