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How Piedmont Plastics Helps You Build Better Products

When creating something, you need the right materials to do the job well. Whether you are constructing a building, designing a new vehicle or printing a sign, the materials you start with have a direct impact on how effective and durable your final design will be. At Piedmont Plastics, our goal is to help our customers build better products. From helping you choose the right products to support after you have made your purchase, Piedmont Plastics helps you build a better product. Here’s a closer look at how.

Proper Product Selection Through Market Knowledge and Specialization

At Piedmont Plastics, we have one of the industry’s most knowledgeable sales teams. Each of our sales professionals knows our products well, and that helps us direct you to the products that will best meet your needs or specific application. Our team will take the time to understand the scope of your product, then help you understand the different products we have and how they can fit that need.

What this means is this: when you come to Piedmont with a particular design idea in mind, but no knowledge of what product will meet that needs, we can help guide you to the right products. If you already know what products will meet your needs, we can help you understand how to state those benefits to your end customers. With the right products from Piedmont backed by our industry knowledge, you can confidently deliver warranties and guarantees on your products, knowing that they will deliver the level of durability your clients demand.

In addition, we have a team of market specialists who take that knowledge even farther. These market specialists have an intimate knowledge of our products and their various markets. They work to educate our sales professionals about the applications and uses of our products, which in turn helps you find what you need more easily.

Expansive Inventory of Varied Products

Not only do we have a knowledgeable team who will help you find the right products for your particular application, but Piedmont Plastics also carries an extensive inventory of plastic products. From simply polycarbonate to high performance materials, we have plastic products of every shape and type – all available in sheet, rod, and film to fit your needs well.

Post-Sales Support Ensures You Make Better Products

At Piedmont Plastics, our help and support doesn’t stop once you’ve made your purchase. Our end goal is to help you build better products, and we continue our support after the sale. If you have a question about the products you’ve purchased, whether it’s about the best use practice or about marketing those products to your end audience, our team is ready to answer them for you.

You need plastics to create the products your customers and clients need. Piedmont Plastics has those plastics, and with our marketing specialization and knowledge, we can assist you in using them well. As you seek to build a better product, Piedmont is here to assist.