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Sterilization Trays

Sterilization trays must be able to resist bacteria and withstand high temperatures and steam as well as impact from equipment. Piedmont Plastics stocks polypropylene and polycarbonate sheet that works well.


A necessary tool in hospital operating rooms and laboratories, sterilization trays protect surgical instruments from airborne bacteria and germs during high-risk operations and routine procedures. The trays are made of medical grade plastic materials making it suitable for autoclaving or gas sterilization of the instruments. Silicone pin mats help protect and organize the instruments within the trays while maintaining a high level of health and protection.

Polypropylene and Polycarbonate are two of the most popular materials used in creating sterilization trays and are available in clear or subtle tints, allowing for easy viewing of the contents. Their durable properties make them an ideal choice to hold up in a fast-paced and high stress environment. In addition to heat and steam resistance, these materials withstand impact and eliminate the danger of glass breakage.

One of the leading plastic suppliers in North America, Piedmont Plastics stocks a large selection of polypropylene, polycarbonate, and other materials, used for a variety of final applications. Piedmont employs local and knowledgeable sales associates with the support of a national network. Allow our experienced team to recommend and help you find the best plastic product for your unique applications.