Plaskolite TUFFAK® FC
TUFFAK FC polycarbonate sheet FORMABLE HARDCOAT TUFFAK FC is a transparent polycarbonate sheet that has a formable coating on both sides. This abrasion resistant product can be cold formed or drape formed and is suitable for exterior applications. TUFFAK FC has excellent resistance to damage from windborne debris and has outstanding impact strength. This product complies with ANSI Z26.1 Item AS-6 which covers transportation glazing applications. APPLICATIONS Formed industrial applications face shields recreational vehicle windscreens Typical Properties Property Test Method Units Values PHYSICAL Specific Gravity ASTM D 792 1.2 Light Transmission Clear 0.118 ASTM D 1003 86 Chemical Resistance ANSI Z26.1 Pass ASTM D 1044 4 Tensile Strength Ultimate ASTM D 638 psi 9500 Flexural Strength ASTM D 790 psi 13500 Compressive Strength ASTM D 695 psi 12500 Flexural Modulus ASTM D 790 psi 345000 Instrumented Impact 0.125 ASTM D 3763 ftlbs 47 Coefficient of Thermal Expansion ASTM D 696 ininF 3.75 x 10-5 Heat Deflection Temperature 264 psi ASTM D 648 F 270 Heat Deflection Temperature 66 psi ASTM D 648 F 280 Taber Resistance 100 Cycles Delta Haze CS-10F Wheel 500 gm load MECHANICAL THERMAL Typical properties are not intended for specification purposes TUFFAK FC polycarbonate sheet Impact Resistance 50 47 Total Energy ftlbs 40 30 20 10 2 0.5 0 Glass Acrylic TUFFAK FC Instrumented Impact per ASTM D 3763 sample thickness 0.125 nominal Standard Products Comparison Property Impact Resistance Cold Bend 6KHHWHLJKW 6KDGLQJRHFLHQW Thermal Expansion Rate 8DFWRUs6XPPHU 8DFWRUsLQWHU Drop Ball Test 0.5 lb Polycarbonate Acrylic Glass No Break 1.75 ftlbs 0.7 ftlbs Bend Radius 100x material thickness 180x material thickness Not possible 3.75 x 10 -5LQLQ -5LQLQ -6LQLQ 78KUIW 78KUIW2 78KUIW 78KUIW2 78KUIW2 78KUIW2 FOHDUVKHHW 6RXQG7UDQVPLVVLRQODVV OEIW2 These suggestions and data are based on information we believe to be reliable. They are offered in good faith but without gu
arantee as conditions and methods of use are beyond our control. We recommend that the prospective user determine the suitability of our materials and suggestions before adopting them on a commercial scale. 2018 PLASKOLITE LLC 082018 TUFFAK is a registered trademark of Plaskolite LLC 2 OEIW2 PLASKOLITE 2 OEVIW2 400 Nationwide Blvd Suite 400 Columbus OH 43215 4 PDS117