MCAM Ketron® GF 30 PEEK Helicopter Bearing Cage - AS9100 rev D Compliant Plastic Shapes
Aerospace Ketron GF 30 PEEK Helicopter Bearing Cage AS9100 rev D Compliant Plastic Shapes Challenge Improve quality of an injection moulded PEEK part for helicopter blade adjustment Helicopters are extremely weight sensitive as every gram of material has a direct impact on the limited payload and the fuel consumption. For this reason plastic parts are playing an important role in helicopter design. In the application at hand injection moulded bearing cages were used in the blade adjustment system. Due to the variations in injection moulding processes however voids were caused in the plastic parts. Helicopter Bearing Cage The customer was looking for a higher quality semi-finished product that provides homogeneous void free material quality and avoids extensive and expensive quality control mechanisms. Key Requirements C ontinue to use Glass Filled PEEK with existing design Q uality controlled manufacturing process which eliminates voids Constant quality that can be easily monitored R esistant against jet engine oils P erformance in a wide temperature range from -60 up to 80 C -76 to 176 F MCAMconnect Customer Benefits Why Ketron GF30 PEEK S ignificant cost and time savings as a result of the machined void-free parts E limination of demanding testing process Increased safety - no field failures Ketron GF30 PEEK has a high structural integrity and a light weight versus stainless steel bearing caches. Although Ketron GF30 PEEK has not been designed for wear application the failure mode of the parts required a stiff high performance thermoplastic. rti Mitsubishi Chemical Advanced Materials Added Value S Mitsubishi Chemical Advanced Materials offers AS9100 rev.D compliant engineering plastic stock shapes and components. C onstant material performance through high quality production process G lobal development production and machining capabilities Distributed by f Ce F aster and more flexible productionmachining capaciti
es variety of machine shops available to provide quality machining services based on our material shape MCAMconnect All statements technical information and recommendations contained in this publication are presented in good faith and are as a rule based upon tests and such tests are believed to be reliable and practical field experience. The reader however is cautioned that Mitsubishi Chemical Advanced Materials does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of this information and it is the customers responsibility to determine the suitability of Mitsubishi Chemical Advanced Materials products in any given application. Ketron is a registered trademark of the Mitsubishi Chemical Advanced Materials group of companies. Design and content created by Mitsubishi Chemical Advanced Materials and are protected by copyright law. Copyright Mitsubishi Chemical Advanced Materials. All rights reserved. MCM AS 6 7.29.19