LuciteLux® Light Guide Panel
Light Guide Panel Technical Bulletin Test Procedure Method Value Unit Optical Luminous Transmittance Haze Refractive Index ASTM D1003 ASTM D1003 ASTM D542 JIS K 7361-1 JIS K 7136 JIS K 7142 93 0.5 1.49 - Mechanical Tensile Strengthrupture Elongation rupture Flexural Strength rupture Modulus elasticity Rockwell hardness Izod impact Charpy impact ASTM D638 ASTM D638 ASTM D790 ASTM D790 ASTM D785 ASTM D256 ASTM D6110 JIS K 7162 JIS K 7162 JIS K 7171 JIS K 7171 JIS K 7002-2 JIS K 7110 JIS K 7111 75 4.5 120 3.2 100 2.0 17 MPa MPa GPa M scale kJm2 kJm2 Thermal Specific Heat Deflection Temperature under load Coefficient of thermal expansion ASTM D648 ASTM D696 JIS K 7123 JIS K 7191-2 JIS K 7197 1.5 96 7.E-05 JgC C cmcmdeg Electrical Surface Resistivity ASTM D257 JIS K 6911 1E16 sq Miscellaneous AbrasionMar resistance Tabor -100 cycles ASTM D4060 JIS K 7204 40 haze Specific gravity Water Absorption Flammability Intrinsic Viscosity ASTM D792 ASTM D570 UL 94 JIS K 7112 JIS K 7209 JIS K 7367-1 1.19 0.3 HB crosslinking gcm3 lg The information and recommendations in this document are to the best of our knowledge reliable. Users should perform their own tests to determine the suitability of these products for their own particular purposes. Statements made herein should therefore not be construed as representations or warranties. The responsibilities of Lucite International Inc. for claims arising out of breach of warranty negligence strict liability or otherwise is limited to the purchase price of the material. Statements made herein concerning the use of the products or formulations described herein are not to be construed as granting a license to operate under any patent of Lucite International Inc. or another or as recommending the infringement of any patent of Lucite International Inc. or another and no liability for infringement arising out of any such use is assumed