Duratron U1000 PEI
Duratron U1000 PEI Polyetherimide Test methods Units ISO 11357-1-3 C Glass transition temperature DMA- Tan 2 Mechanical Properties 6 Test methods Units ASTM D3418 F Indicative values C 215 F 410 WK.m 0.24 BTU in.hr.ft.F 1.23 ASTM E-831 TMA in.in.F 31 Coefficient of linear thermal expansion 23 to 100C 73F to 210F mm.K 50 Coefficient of linear thermal expansion 23 to 150C 73F to 300F mm.K 50 Coefficient of linear thermal expansion 150C 300F mm.K 60 C 195 ASTM D648 F 400 Continuous allowable service temperature in air 20.000 hrs 3 C 170 F 340 Min. service temperature 4 C -50 F Thermal conductivity at 23C 73F Coefficient of linear thermal expansion -40 to 150 C -40 to 300F Heat Deflection Temperature method A 1.8 MPa 264 PSI ISO 75-1-2 Flammability UL 94 3 mm 18 in. 5 Electrical Properties Indicative values V-0 V-0 Flammability Oxygen Index ISO 4589-1-2 47 Tensile strength ISO 527-1-2 7 MPa 129 ASTM D638 8 PSI 17000 Tensile strain elongation at yield ISO 527-1-2 7 7 ASTM D638 8 6.9 Tensile strain elongation at break ISO 527-1-2 7 13 ASTM D638 8 32 Tensile modulus of elasticity ISO 527-1-2 9 MPa 3500 ASTM D638 8 KSI 500 97 ASTM D732 PSI 14000 ISO 604 10 MPa 31 61 137 ASTM D695 11 PSI 22000 Charpy impact strength - unnotched ISO 179-11eU kJm no break Charpy impact strength - notched ISO 179-11eA kJm 3.5 Flexural strength ISO 178 12 MPa 167 Flexural modulus of elasticity ISO 178 12 MPa Rockwell M hardness 14 ISO 2039-2 Rockwell R hardness 14 ISO 2039-2 Shear Strength Compressive stress at 1 2 5 nominal strain Compressive strength Izod Impact notched 115 ASTM D256 ft.lb.in 0.50 ASTM D790 13 PSI 20000 ASTM D790 KSI 500 ASTM D785 112 ASTM 2240 125 Electric strength IEC 60243-1 15 kVmm 27 ASTM D149 Voltsmil Volume resistivity IEC 62631-3-1 Ohm.cm 10E13 ASTM D257 Ohm.cm Surface resistivity ANSIESD STM 11.11 Ohmsq. Ohmsq. 830 10E12 ANSIESD STM 11.11 Dielectric constant at 1 MHz IEC 62631-2-1 3 ASTM D150 3.15 Dissipation factor at 1MHz IEC 62631-2-1 0 ASTM D150 0 Colo
ur Density Transparent Amber Black Transparent Amber Black ISO 1183-1 gcm 1.27 ISO 62 16 0.19 ASTM D570 17 1.30 ASTM D570 17 1.25 mkm 1325 QTM 55010 19 In.minft.lbs.hrX10- 2900 0.3-0.4 QTM 55007 20 ft.lbsin.min 1875 Specific Gravity Water absorption after 24h immersion in water of 23 C 73F 10E12 ASTM D792 Water absorption at saturation in water of 23 C 73F Wear rate ISO 7148-2 18 Dynamic Coefficient of Friction - ISO 7148-2 18 Limiting PV at 100 FPM QTM 55007 21 Limiting PV at 0.1 1 ms cylindrical sleeve bearings 1.28 0.25 0.42 MPa.ms Limiting PV at 0.5 ms cylindrical sleeve bearings QTM 55007 21 Chemical Resistance www.mcam.comensupportchemical-resistance-information MPa.ms Note 1 gcm 1000 kgm 1 MPa 1 Nmm 1 kVmm 1 MVm www.mcam.comensupportchemical-resistance-information NYP there is no yield point This table mainly to be used for comparison purposes is a valuable help in the choice of a material. The data listed here fall within the normal range of product properties of dry material. However they are not guaranteed and they should not be used to establish material specification limits nor used alone as the basis of design. See the remaining notes on the next page. Duratron is a registered trademark of Mitsubishi Chemical Advanced Materials mcam.com 1 of 2 Copyright 2023 The Mitsubishi Chemical Advanced Materials group of companies. All rights reserved. - Date of issue revision 05072023 Thermal properties 1 Melting temperature DSC 10C 50F min Miscellaneous PRODUCT DATASHEET Duratron U1000 are amorphous PEI Polyetherimide shapes that exhibit high strength dimensional stability and superior flame and heat resistance. Due to this grades ability to perform continuously to 340F 170C Duratron U1000 PEI is the ideal solution for applications that require consistent dielectric properties over a wide frequency range. Another strength of Duratron U1000 PEI shapes are their hydrolysis and chemical resistance enabling them to withstand repeated autoclaving cycles
in medical pharmaceutical and biotechnology markets. ISO ASTM Notes see datasheet on page 1 1. The figures given for these properties are for the most part derived from raw material supplier data and other publications. 2. Values for this property are only given here for amorphous materials and for materials that do not show a melting temperature PBI PI. 3. Temperature resistance over a period of min. 20000 hours. After this period of time there is a decrease in tensile strength measured at 23 C of about 50 as compared with the original value. The temperature value given here is thus based on the thermal-oxidative degradation which takes place and causes a reduction in properties. Note however that the maximum allowable service temperature depends in many cases essentially on the duration and the magnitude of the mechanical stresses to which the material is subjected. 4. Impact strength decreasing with decreasing temperature the minimum allowable service temperature is practically mainly determined by the extent to which the material is subjected to impact. The value given here is based on unfavourable impact conditions and may consequently not be considered as being the absolute practical limit. 5. These estimated ratings derived from raw material supplier data and other publications are not intended to reflect hazards presented by the material under actual fire conditions. There is no UL File Number available for these stock shapes. 6. Most of the figures given for the mechanical properties are average values of tests run on dry test specimens machined out of rods 40-60 mm when available else out of plate 10-20mm. All tests are done at room temperature 23 73F 7. Test speed either 5 mmmin or 50 mmmin chosen acc. to ISO 10350-1 as a function of the ductile behaviour of the material tough or brittle using type 1B tensile bars 8. Test speed either 0.2min or 2min or chosen as a function of the ductile behaviour of the material brittle or tough using Type 1 tensil
e bars 9. Test speed 1 mmmin using type 1B tensile bars 10. Test specimens cylinders 8 mm x 16 mm test speed 1 mmmin 11. Test specimens cylinders 0.5 x 1 or square 0.5 x 1 test speed 0.05min 12. Test specimens bars 4 mm thickness x 10 mm x 80 mm test speed 2 mmmin span 64 mm. 13. Test specimens bars 0.25 thickness x 0.5 x 5 test speed 0.11min span 4 14. Measured on 10 mm 0.4 thick test specimens. 15. Electrode configuration 25 75 mm coaxial cylinders in transformer oil according to IEC 60296 1 mm thick test specimens. 16. Measured on discs 50 mm x 3 mm. 17. Measured on 18 thick x 2 diameter or square 18. Test procedure similar to Test Method A Pin-on-disk as described in ISO 7148-2 Load 3MPa sliding velocity 033 ms mating plate steel Ra 0.7-0.9 m tested at 23C 50RH. 19. Test using journal bearing system 200 hrs 118 ftmin 42 PSI steel shaft roughness 162 RMS micro inches with Hardness Brinell of 180-200 20. Test using Plastic Thrust Washer rotating against steel 20 ftmin and 250 PSI Stationary steel washer roughness 162 RMS micro inches with Rockwell C 20-24 21. Test using Plastic Thrust Washer rotating against steel Step by step increase pressure test ends when plastic begins to deform or if temperature increases depending on the material to a maximum which lays between 212F 100C and 482F 250C This product data sheet and any data and specifications presented on our website shall provide promotional and general information about the Engineering Plastic Products the Products manufactured and offered by Mitsubishi Chemical Advanced Materials and shall serve as a preliminary guide. All data and descriptions relating to the Products are of an indicative nature only. Neither this data sheet nor any data and specifications presented on our website shall create or be implied to create any legal or contractual obligation. Any illustration of the possible fields of application of the Products shall merely demonstrate the potential of these Products but any such de
scription does not constitute any kind of covenant whatsoever. Irrespective of any tests that Mitsubishi Chemical Advanced Materials may have carried out with respect to any Product Mitsubishi Chemical Advanced Materials does not possess expertise in evaluating the suitability of its materials or Products for use in specific applications or products manufactured or offered by the customer respectively. The choice of the most suitable plastics material depends on available chemical resistance data and practical experience but often preliminary testing of the finished plastics part under actual service conditions right chemical concentration temperature and contact time as well as other conditions is required to assess its final suitability for the given application. It thus remains the customers sole responsibility to test and assess the suitability and compatibility of Mitsubishi Chemical Advanced Materials Products for its intended applications processes and uses and to choose those Products which according to its assessment meet the requirements applicable to the specific use of the finished product. The customer undertakes all liability in respect of the application processing or use of the aforementioned information or product or any consequence thereof and shall verify its quality and other properties. 2 of 2