Contra Vision® One-Way Vision Film for Sneeze Guards
Distributed nationally by One-way vision graphics for sneeze guards Please observe the floor markers and remain 2m apart while queuing. Please use contactless payent where possible. Thank you. Thank you. Communicate your messages to the public while keeping your staff safe. Customer facing view Contra Vision one-way vision film is the ideal material to communicate messages to the general public at the point of contact while keeping staff safely behind sneeze guards or cashier barriers. These guards can be used in supermarkets banks reception areas and medical offices. The perforations in the Contra Vision film allow staff to have vision through all areas of the sneeze guard while ensuring the members of the public see bold graphics with clear messages. The plastic barrier between the two remains solid. Contra Vision can be used to communicate information including l l l l Contra Vision graphics should be applied surrounding the member of staff to encourage the public to stand centrally behind the sneeze guard. Staff view New store opening hours Information about social distancing Health and safety advice including washing hands How to pay including contactless payments It can be fitted during manufacture of the sneeze guards or retrospectively once the sneeze guard is installed. Updated and new messages can be easily be applied and removedreplaced by store staff. Contra Vision graphics allow staff to have visibilty of the public. Get in touch today Email Call 888 646 5939