Coastal Enterprises Precision Board Plus™ PBLT-20
Precision Board Plus PBLT-20 Manufacturers of Precision Board DESCRIPTION APPLICATION PBLT-20 is a rigid High Density Urethane HDU ToolingModeling board designed for Prototype Machining Water Jet Cutting Pattern Making Thermoforming Prepreg Composite Layup Tooling Vacuum Form Tooling Tool Path Proofing Lost Wax Casting Masters Master Model Making Artistic Carving Blocks Indoor and Outdoor Signage. PBLT Plus is made in the USA. Precision Board Plus PBLT is formulated with eco-friendly Green urethane components. The new Plus material has a Certified Carbon Foot Print of 3 to 1 and a Certified Rapidly Renewable Green Resource Content of 23.9. This means each 3x 4x8 sheet of PBLT-20 saves 38.5 pounds of plastic material which assists meeting LEED requirements for obtaining USGBC and ICC 700 building credits. Precision Board Plus does not contain CFCs or VOCs. See MSDS for details. Precision Board Plus PBLT comes in standard sizes of 20x60 24x60 30x80 45x60 4x8 4x10 5x8 and 5x10. Thickness ranges from 12 to 24. Custom bonded blocks available in any size. PBLT Densities are 4 6 8 10 12 15 18 20 30 34 40 48 60 70 75 pcf. Other densities available. Precision Board Plus is non-abrasive can be machined with HSS bits or cut with any standard cutting tool. PBLTs tight cell structure allows adjusting spindle speed table feed to produce either chips or dust as desired. Check Coastals on-line Onsrud Router Search guide for most efficient cutter bit for desired speeds feeds. PBLT Plus does not outgas or affect prepreg resin cure. See FAQ for important ovenautoclave ramping procedures and other pertinent information. PBLT can be bonded to itself or most other substrates using Coastal Enterprises one part urethane adhesives PB Bond-240 and PB Fast Set or EP-76 a two part epoxy adhesive. PHYSICAL PROPERTIES Density ASTM D-1623 Compressive Strength ASTM D-1621 Compressive Modulus ASTM D-1621 Tensile Strength ASTM D-1623 Tensile Modulus ASTM D-1623 Shear Strength ASTM C-273 Shear M
odulus ASTM C-273 Flexural Strength Method 1A ASTM D-790 Flexural Modulus Method 1A ASTM D-790 Hardness Shore D ASTM D-2240 Elongation Dimensional Stability ASTM D-2126 Water Absorption ASTM D-2842 Closed Cell Content ASTM D-2856 K Value Thermal Conductivity ASTM C-177 Impact Resistance 0F 4.6 oz. 1 Dia. 96 drop Freeze Thaw ASTM D-2126 25 Cycles Mold and Mildew Resistance ASTM D-3273 Dielectric Constant ASTM D-1678 Maximum Service Temperature Dry Coefficient of Thermal Expansion CTE Glass Transition DMATMA Flammability Tests FAR 25.853 Vertical Burn MIL P 26514 Burn Test ASTM D-1692-74 Burn Test ASTM D635-06 Burn Test 20 lbsCubic Foot 956 psi 39101 psi 601 59985 psi 516 psi 7900 psi 960 psi 30120 psi 34 6.7 1.2 Max. 0.01 by Vol. after 96 hrs. 97 0.543 No cracking observed No disbonding or distortion occurred Does not support growth 1.3 200 F 20 X 10-6 F 209F Pass Pass Pass Pass Follow heat temperature ramping of 1F up per minute 2F down per minute. See FAQ for additional data. Any Questions please contact Coastal Enterprises Company 800 845-0745 WARRANTY All recommendations for product use have been derived from experience and test data believed to be reliable. We warrant and guarantee the uniformity of our products within manufacturing tolerance. However since the use of our products is beyond our direct control they are furnished upon the condition that each party shall make hisher own tests to determine their suitability for hisher particular purpose. Except as stated herein Coastal Enterprises Company makes no warranty or guarantee expressed or implied and disclaims all responsibility for results obtained nor assumes any liability for any damages whether arising out of negligence or breach of guarantee and is hereby expressly limited to replacement of product only. For additional information on product handling please refer to Precision Board Plus MSDS. Form 171 81913