Arkema Plexiglas® MC Translucent Sign Colors
Plexiglas MC Translucent Sign Colors ACRYLIC SHEET Throughout developments in lighting - from incandescent through fluorescent from halogen to neon and now LED - Plexiglas MC Translucent Sign Colors have stood the test of time with a solid history and a vibrant future. Through the years Plexiglas acrylic sheet has n Wide range of color choices for LED Hiding n Can position the acrylic face as close as 2 to the light source n Excellent diffusion characteristics n Excellent color stability delivered the performance you expect and remains n Lightweight - Half the weight of glass the familiar brand youve known and trusted right n Can be easily fabricated and thermoformed down to our Plexiglas acrylic sheet color numbers. Were still there for you today. n Also available in impact grade as Plexiglas SG PLUS acrylic sheet s D E L w o N fo r Plexiglas MC Translucent Sign Colors ACRYLIC SHEET PLEXIGLAS MC Translucent Sign Colors for LED Hiding Plexiglas MC Translucent acrylic sheet colors diffuse light as it is transmitted so that objects behind the sheet cannot be clearly distinguished. This diffusion quality is why our translucent colors are an exceptional choice for backlit sign applications using most common light sources - including LEDs. The percent transmission of diffused light is approximately the same regardless of the sheet thickness. The colors shown have been tested in 0.118 and 0.177 thickness unless otherwise noted as close as 2 from the LED light source. Plexiglas MC 2146 Plexiglas MC 2037 Plexiglas MC 2465 Plexiglas SG PLUS 62037 Plexiglas MC 2016 Plexiglas MC 2119 Plexiglas MC 2662 Plexiglas SG PLUS 62119 PLEXIGLAS MC White Translucent Sign Colors for LED Hiding Plexiglas MC 2793 Plexiglas MC 2157 Plexiglas MC 2447 Plexiglas MC 7328 Plexiglas SG PLUS 62793 Plexiglas SG PLUS 62157 Plexiglas SG PLUS 62447 Plexiglas SG PLUS 67328 Plexiglas MC 2283 Plexiglas MC 2648 Plexiglas MC 3015 Plexiglas acrylic sheet has been considered a standard of the industry sin
ce it was first introduced more than 75 years ago. Available in additional colors the Plexiglas MC series offers an economical acrylic sheet that is both durable and versatile for a variety of other applications as well. Plexiglas SG PLUS 62283 Plexiglas MC 2050 Need an impact product Check out our Plexiglas SG PLUS craze-resistant impact acrylic sheet which is well suited for both channel letter and pan face sign applications. Our co-extrusion layering capability will allow for many color options to be developed with specific transmission or diffusing properties. Contact your local Sales Representative for specific details. Products are available in a variety of sheet sizes. Plexiglas MC 2415 Plexiglas MC 2114 Plexiglas SG PLUS 62114 Plexiglas MC 2051 Plexiglas MC 2108 Plexiglas SG PLUS 62051 Only 0.118 has been tested for LED Hiding capability Only 0.177 has been tested for LED Hiding capability The colors above were tested with an Agilight Model AGI-BS-EDGE-DW BrightStripe Edge White LED 6500K with an I.T.E. Power Supply - Model GFP451DA-1238-1 IP100-240V 5060 Hz 1.2A OP DC 12V 3.8A. Actual LEDs are spaced apart oncenter. Testing was conducted with the light source positioned 2 behind the sheet. Note Different results may be achieved when using alternative white or colored LEDs due to equipment differences andor user subjectivity. Plexiglas acrylic plastic is a combustible thermoplastic. Observe fire precautions appropriate for comparable forms of wood and paper. For building uses check code approvals. Impact resistance is a factor of thickness. Avoid exposure to heat or aromatic solvents. Clean with soap and water. Avoid abrasives. See MSDS for Health Safety Considerations. Altuglas and Plexiglas are registered trademarks of Arkema. 2013 Arkema Inc. All rights reserved. ROC 213 The statements technical information and recommendations contained herein are believed to be accurate as of the date hereof. Since the conditions and methods of use of the product and
of the information referred to herein are beyond our control Arkema expressly disclaims any and all liability as to any results obtained or arising from any use of the product or reliance on such information NO WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR ANY OTHER WARRANTY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED IS MADE CONCERNING THE GOODS DESCRIBED OR THE INFORMATION PROVIDED HEREIN. The information provided herein relates only to the specific product designated and may not be applicable when such product is used in combination with other materials or in any process. The user should thoroughly test any application before commercialization. Nothing contained herein constitutes a license to practice under any patent and it should not be construed as an inducement to infringe any patent and the user is advised to take appropriate steps to be sure that any proposed use of the product will not result in patent infringement.